I read a lot. This week I read a novel(*) passed to me by my Infinitely Better Half who judged it "quite a good story, but some of the plot contrivances strain one's ability to suspend disbelief, and definitely too wordy." (She's good at that sort of thing.)
In a scene where one of the female leads is submitting to love-making with her second husband for who she has no real affection, the author says - "Caroline noticed . . . the way her husband fought for breath, the way his eyes crossed as he neared his climax."
Now, perhaps it's just me, but I was incapacitated by hysterical laughter for a good 10 minutes, I kid you not, after reading that.
What do other Fridge Soupers think? Ladies?
(*) "The Legacy" by Katherine Webb. Orion Books. Available from A**Z*N. Pretty good reviews.
Hello darkness my old friend,
6 months ago