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Saturday, 19 February 2011

Reasons for Mortality

During the week which ended on the 17th Feb. in 1719, the following diseases and conditions (among others) proved fatal to the inhabitants of London.

Aged  49
Chrisoms  1
Colick  2
Consumption  50
Convulsions  139
Dropsie  28
The King's Evil  2
Fever  51
The French Pox  2
Gout  1
Griping in the Guts  20
Headmouldshot  2
Jaundies  3
The Imposthume  2
Mortification  2
Rising in the Lights  5
The Small Pox  55
Sore Leg  1
Stoppage in the Stomach  5
Suddenly  4
Of their Teeth  43
Thrush  1
The Tissick  8
Twisting in the Guts  2
Tympany  1
Worms  1
Executed  4